Frequent braking is not a bad habit. It indicates that your safety awareness is very high. If every driver has a good sense of safety like you, traffic accidents can be avoided a lot. Be careful not to frequently apply the brakes during regular driving. In addition to the inspection and maintenance of the brake system's related components and oil products, the driver's driving habits also have a significant impact on the brake system. For example, when driving downhill on winding roads, frequent braking is not allowed, which can cause the brake pads (drums) to heat up and lose their braking function. Therefore, it is necessary to shift to low gear and use the engine's traction to assist in braking. At the same time, it is important to remember that you cannot stall and coast. Without the vacuum assistance of the engine, the braking system is equivalent to being "disabled".
The inspection and maintenance of the brake system should not only pay attention to the working condition of the brake system itself, such as the stable performance of the brake pads and brake oil, but also pay attention to the driving habits of our drivers, which has a significant impact on the quality of the brake system.